Hats off the The Independent on publishing the excellent piece by Nosheen Iqbal - 'The Long-Form Resurrection' The cliched wisdom is that with the decline of newspapers and the much-trumpeted short attention span syndrome, readers are unwilling, even, ,to read longer-form work.
The opposite appears to be the case. Iqbal writes; '...its the torrent of short-form thinking - the incessant texts, tweets, status updates and simplistic seach-engine optimisation-geared news stories - that seems to have speed up audience desire for lengthier, more meditative pieces.
Here are the five long-read sites that the article recommends:
Byliner: www.byliner.com
Longreads: www.longreads.com
The Browser: www.thebrowser.com
Arts and Letters Daily: www.aldaily.com
Instapaper: www.instapaper.com
To this I would add the London Review of Books ( which thanks to Lin I have been enjoying as a Guest Subscriber). A portion of the content of each issue is open to non-subscribers.
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