Tuesday, February 27, 2018


As an afficianado of anything to do with cave paintings, the latest news is terrific. Artwork found in caves at three locations in Spain appear to confirm that they were "painted" by Neanderthals.

Homo Sapiens, reached Europe 40,000 years ago; these art works date from 65,000 years ago. This is the new birth date of art. 

We know that Europeans and Asians have 1-2% Neanderthal genes in their DNA. These new findings suggest that Sapiens and Neanderthals shared a consciousness - and a desire to crawl into caves and paint.

It's a fascinating story which was widely covered in national papers around the world. The Guardian story by Ian Semple begins:  'More than 65,000 years ago, a Neanderthal reached out and made strokes in red ochre on the wall of a cave, and in doing so, became the first known artist on earth, scientists claim'

Check out this link: Were Neanderthals Artists 

What you see [above left]  is a drawing of one of those artworks. Spots up at the top, a "ladder-type" form containg two different animal parts [they believe these were added by a later artist!] and something else. I have looked at all the videos, pictures and read the accounts.

THE GENERALIST has noticed something. Nobody talks about the shape on the right. It's in none of the accounts. Is it just me or does this look remarkably like an ant perched on some kind of rotor and flying craft made of bones? The scientist's involved did say that nobody would ever be able to decipher the full meaning of this painting - but we can speculate.

What does that stand for? If it's symbolic what the hell is it symbolising. Is it an extra-terrestrial Banksy? It looks incredibly modern and is the first thing I have ever seen which I might consider having tattooed on my body. What else could it be? Whatever it is, I love it!

The Generalist has been tracking developments in many aspects of Ancient Art since 2009. Use Search box (top left) to find them.

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